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MT_Mike 2 years ago in Support updated by support 2 years ago 1


has the Volfix support a channel with the app: slack ?


Volfix Anywhere change copy & paste Hotkeys

Flo Eb 2 years ago in Support updated by support 2 years ago 1

Hello guys,

is there any way to change the copy & paste hotkeys on Volfix Anywhere (Windows Version) ?

As it is STRL+C and CMD+P by default.

I would like to change "paste" to CMD+V or any other letter near 'C'. Currently it is very uncomfortable to let go of the mouse every time I paste a line.

Thanks a lot in advance

Not a bug

обновления 25.07.2022

adm77msk 2 years ago in Support updated by support 2 years ago 1

Image 836

После обновления 25.07.2022 перестала запускаться программа Volfix. Винда 7.


Resolution problem on Windows 11 with 2 monitors

hidayet yurtseven 2 years ago in Support updated by support 2 years ago 3


I'm using 2 monitors one is my laptop's monitor witch is 4k and the other 24' FHD monitor. On the 4k monitor i dont have any problem with resolution but when i take any chart window to the FHD monitor resolution changes and the everything looks too big. I have tried the compatibility settings, it gets worse but never gets better. I was wondering if there is any solution for this problem?

Not a bug

Desktop Window for more then one monitor

MT_Mike 3 years ago in Support updated by support 3 years ago 2

Does VolFix anywhere support more then one monitor?

If I save a Desktop with any windows distributed  on 2 monitors, then if I select this configuration all windows jump in the monitor nr. 1


News calendar

Anotherdaytrading 3 years ago in Support updated by support 3 years ago 1

Hello, News calendar

I cannot find the possibility of creating an alarm with the "NEWS CALENDAR" module. Thank you


Left scale

Anotherdaytrading 3 years ago in Support updated by support 3 years ago 3

Hello, can you check:

Studies -> horz histogram -> left scale:

Sometimes this column hides part of the price column ???. The Color settings - apply option corrects this problem. Thank you


Поддержка 4к

Dmytro 3 years ago in Support updated by support 3 years ago 1

Здравствуйте !

Ноут с экраном 4к.

Системный шрифт крайне мелкий. Никакими настройками увеличить не получается.

VolFix не оптимизирован для работы с 4К мониторами ?


Transaq connector

Петр 3 years ago in Support updated by support 3 years ago 1

Добрый день. Сегодня пропал Transaq connector из списка доступных подключений? с чем это связано? volfix перестал поддерживать это или подписку отдельно нужно купить?

Not a bug

VolFix anywhere

Дмитрий Саюшев 3 years ago in Support updated by Json 2 years ago 2

тime I sales 
не работает прокрутка колесиком мышки да и в принципе прокрутка не работает))