Your comments

I input numbers  A B C , the size of the letter increase without intervention from me. 

I use a program (waves elliott calculation) at the same time with metatrader , sometimes I get an error like: "Access violation at adress ...."; no solution for several years. Would this program be responsible?.


In conjunction with the calculation of the cumulative delta on the bid and on the ask, in the form of lines;

One option seems interesting: being able to zero Market Orders, and after this , creating a histogram with the cumulation of these 2 values. There remains the choice for this application, on the 'Trading Dom', on the DOM, on the Custom market profile or other? ...
Thank you.

Hi, please add , 

Reverse chart:

  V.hist    Dual vol   + Delta

  V.hist    Init vol     + Delta


Hello, thank you for this future development.

Just a simple clarification. The use of several fibonacci at the same time (at least 3) would be greatly facilitated if the figures (%, price level) and the horizontal lines remained visible. Please provide an option (visible figures y / n). Attached is an example of calculation. (author: I. Copsey). Thank you.


I rediscover the "combo chart", good advice.
Do you have a precise idea of the date of operation of the real-time "all prices" module + alerts? .Thank you.


An option in the COPY MENU :

Copy Date day

Copy Date day / Time

would be interesting to follow the evolution of the POC.



1- Volfix triggers a Signal according to the characteristics chosen : init volume, dual volume, delta, volume limit,  period ; volatility, model.
2- following this signal, Volfix analyzes the previous divergences according to the parameters entered by the trader ;  (number of anterior bars; time ......).
Volfix check if  a divergence appears :
   divergence  Price / Volume (init or dual).
   divergence  Price / Delta  +/-
A plus in the trader's arsenal ? ...; thanks.

The graphic of the day "ALLPRICES" or following a selection of the trader (Date: from ---- to ----); (Time: from ---- to ----); with 3 variables: price, buy, sell in the form of lines seems interesting. According to my tests, It allows, sometimes to more easily highlight the maximum and buy sell spreads.

Of course you could modify this table (Oracle database?)  and add other columns. Thanks.







3 choice of trader : 

   LEFT SCALE : sell

   RIGHT SCALE : buy


We get the same color for the left scale (sell) an the right scale (buy)

Could you modify this ?.  scale selling color in red ;  scale buying color in green

Limits could be calculated according to the range "Time : from - to " of the day.
