
High / Low Line Horizontal Histogram - Volfix Anywhere

Nemesis 3 years ago in Charts updated by support 2 years ago 3

Good Morning team Volfix,

Is it possible to program a setting to Draw a High / Low Line in Horizontal so that you see can see the High / Low of a specific TF instantly? Color?

Tried it with TPO2 Settings but the max Value is 99 so the Line is not on the High / Low and a Ray is not possible.

If its possible to set TPO2 to MAX (High and Low) and make a Setting Ray On/Off it also would be ok.

I made a picture for better understanding.

Thank you for your good and fast Support

Image 843


Thank you Team Volfix,

Hope all Volfix users will be satisfied by your good work

Satisfaction mark by Nemesis 2 years ago