
Mobile App Chart Tools

patrick 5 years ago in Charts updated by support 3 years ago 2

Dear VolFix Team,

it was a great pleasure to see that you have implemented charts to the mobile app.

It would be absolutely great if you could implement the the following functions too:

- Show the price lines and alarms, that one has drawn in Volfix platform in the mobile app too and the possibility to draw lines in the app.

- Price Alarm setting direct within the app without having the desktop platform running and get alarm notifications without having the desktop platform running.

- Profile drawing tool with automatic refresh as in the desktop platform.

It would be absolutely awesome if you could implement these tools, because I often miss good trading opportunities when I have no access to my desktop computer because I am on road. It would give me the possibility to trade my strategy with my Ipad from everywhere, when I get my price alarm.

Thank you very much for your great software!

Kind regards


No way to create alerts on mobile apps because mobile apps can't works on background.

We have plan to add trading on chart but nothing else on mobile apps.

Please use notebook or PC to market analyze.


Price alert now avalaible on mobile app.