Your comments
Действительно данная функция находится в разработке и не доступна пользователям. Будет открыта в ближайших релизах.
This feature will be implemented in the new multi-platform (Windows / OSX / Limux) version of Volfix.
This version is currently under active development. Alpha release is planned in 1-2 months.
This feature will be implemented in the new multi-platform (Windows / OSX / Limux) version of Volfix.
This version is currently under active development. Alpha release is planned in 1-2 months.
This feature will be implemented in the new multi-platform (Windows / OSX / Limux) version of Volfix.
This version is currently under active development. Alpha release is planned in 1-2 months.
This feature will be implemented in the new multi-platform (Windows / OSX / Limux) version of Volfix.
This version is currently under active development. Alpha release is planned in 1-2 months.
This feature will be implemented in the new multi-platform (Windows / OSX / Limux) version of Volfix.
This version is currently under active development. Alpha release is planned in 1-2 months.
Мы считаем что размер окна алерта не должен зависеть от размера окна графика, что бы алерт был хорошо заметен.
This feature will be implemented in the new multi-platform (Windows / OSX / Limux) version of Volfix.
This version is currently under active development. Alpha release is planned in 1-2 months.
Customer support service by UserEcho
В OW сейчас есть большинство типов графиков. В будущем будут добавлены те которых сейчас нет.